What saves in the Lord's Supper?
Faith but passively. Not subjective faith, or a Person's act or work of faith, but the object of that faith which in the Lord's Supper is Christ. We believe that Christ himself's body and blood is also bread and wine in the Supper. (SmalcaldArticles III:1) There is a sacramental union, which is beyond the scope of reason, and therefore can only be apprehended by faith. We believe him when he says, this is my body and this is my blood, and most importantly, when he speaks the words: given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. We hold also that this same body and blood which we hold, or recieve on the tongue, or drink from the chalice (or even from those awfull irreverent eyesoars... plastic cups) is his body and blood which there, at that time, place, and location offers the forgiveness of sin to the faithful communicant (one who trusts Christ's simple words). To those who do not believe this, Christ in the Lord's Supper is a stumbling block. In that case, the reception of the body and blood of Christ condemns those who don't believe in his true presence and true forgiveness.
How can we believe such an insane notion?
We can believe this because we understand that the right hand of God is everywhere and that the word has BECOME flesh, not that the word inhabited flesh, which is the error of Nestorius and Zwingli. The two natures cannot be comprehended as separate after the hypostatic union which began at the Annunciation. The person of Jesus Christ must be at one time, fully divine and fully human. Time and eternity have become one in Christ or our eternal salvation is not a reality. The infinite has entered the finite and will never again be seperated from it.
Reason cannnot lead to such revelations but only the word of God and it's explicit, and as secularists and radically reformed "Christians" claim, irrational teaching.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and
my thoughts than your thoughts."
-Isaiah 55:8-9
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